Twine is a system of small, cheap, sensors that you can distribute around your house to connect anything to the internet. Each device has a temperature, accelerometer, orientation, and vibration sensor with a port for add ons such as magnetic and moisture sensors. Each twine broadcasts its data over wifi so one can easily monitor their house when they aren't home to know when doors have been opened, if a water-heater has flooded, the dog has gone outside, etc. Besides monitoring, users can setup event based rules to say get a text when the basement floods. While in its current state, it only lets you monitor a couple interesting house statistics, perhaps in the future it could be extended to allow the user to turn on the heat before they get home, let the dog out, etc.
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What these self-named biohackers are doing, is embedding small rare-earth magnets in their fingers, not to pick up paperclips, but to feel electromagnetic forces around them. As magnetic forces from electrical lines, computers, and microwaves pulse the disturb the magnet slightly which is felt by the ultra-sensitive nerves in the fingertips.
It’s arguble wether something like this needs to be embedded in the flesh, but doing so seems to truely give them a sixth-sense. While this is all very rough and underground, it will probably be in future history books as the rough, grimy beginings of a bio-hacking revolution. Future enhancements could include brain wave reading devices that allow us direct connections to machines, enhanced eyes, improved hearing, or even far fetched ideas like telepathy.
Read the full article on The Verge
between the time painting the painting and describing it.
The user places a white (normal) paper on a Wacom plastic tablet. The user could then draw on the paper and and record sounds with a rubber stamp/ microphone. The microphone is glowing when it is recording.
When the user is finished recording it leave a stamp on the paper. A red star is stamped. When the user places the trumpet on the star, sound is played back.
Both the stamp and the trumpet uses wacom pencils and all this are connected to a computer that records, plays back, and maps the audio recordings to a location.
The PingPongPlusPlus API is open source, and aim for a community driven experience, where people outside of MIT contribute with code and new visualizations. The use of Processing, an open source prototype creating language (originally aimed at artists with no prior programming experience), helps immensely in this. 7 MIT students were able to create different visualizations that changed the physical game entirely. They had next to no prior experience with programming, and none had programmed in Processing before.
They managed to create 3 different types of games.
- Constellation was a game with stars mapped out. When the players managed to hit all stars in a constellation, lines where drawn to show the constellation in its entirety. This helps focus team play and cooperation between the players instead of the normal antagonistic play of table tennis.
- Blocks is a Breakout style game where each player tries to eliminate all the blocks on the opposing side. Same coloured blocks that are connected give more points.
- Munchkin Run is a game where there are small creatures on each side of the board, and hitting one of these will transfer the creature to your side. The goal is to get all the creatures over to your side.
- The Defensive Heatmap shows where on the table the opponent is likely to send the ball, based on all previously played games on the table.
- The Offensive Spotlight shows where on the opponent’s table the player should try to direct the ball. The area starts as a large circle and steadily shrinks to optimal area for scoring. This data is based on all previously played hits that resulted in a score.
- Expert Arrows shows, with every hit, precisely where to aim the next ball for the maximum chance of scoring a point. The data used here comes from 15 experts who played 9 full games on the table.
Provide ambient interface through virtual rainbottles. The system is a perfect demonstration of a calm technology since it does not have to be in constant attention.
The main way of acquiring information is by simply glancing at the bottle(s). A filled up bottle displays the type of information and the quantity based on the number of lights active. Should the user not want to receive more information a 'cork' can be put on the bottle preventing further information addition. There can be an overflow of information, whenever this happens the least important information will be lost.
Whenever the user wants to access the information it should be poured, an accelerometer will pick up the movement and the info will be displayed.
More bottles can be added leading to more capacity and the type of information in each bottle can be different.
The beat box box is a system that allows for simple rhythm formation that was made in the DH2400 course. When you press a side of the cube with a certain rhythm it will be added to a mix. For every side of the cube a different sound and rhythm can be added.
Small computers that display graphics such as photos or videos. They can sense how they are being be moved around and the location to one another. By arranging them in different combinations you can create small games or music melodies. It's also possible to manipulate graphics, like changing color or picture.