
Group 2 -Living Surface

Upplagd av Josefin Löfström

Living surface is an interactive video sculpture installation. Acting as a 3D screen, it projects moving video objects while playing an appropriate sound. Video and sound changes depending on how the user moves though the projected area, giving a realistic feeling of interaction with some environment or object.

The combination of projecting video objects on great areas with allowing multiple users interacting wiht it directly and without any external devices, makes this project interesting when looking at intuitive interaction.


Grupp 2 - MEGAPHONE 3001

Upplagd av Per Jonsson

MEGAPHONE 3001, is a multiplayer real-time collaborative telephony platform for use on large screens in public space such as sports arenas and concert venues, and movie theaters. It isn’t a mobile application, but a phone system that users can call in to. The phone system reacts to buttons and voice to control a screen near the user. It can be used for information, advertising, and is currently setup as a series of games.

Group 2 - Cubit

Upplagd av Anonym

Developed at Tisch ITP, (http://itp.nyu.edu/sigs/)

Next project is called Cubit and is “an exploration in tangibility of pixels”. The technology used in this project is interactive surfaces which can sense touch, multiple contact points, allowing for multi-finger dual-hand forms of interaction. The software visualizes and represents the data emulating physical characteristics that align with tactile expectations of the user. The interesting thing about this project is how a user can interact directly with an application without using external devices like a keyboard or mouse. Technology between virtual systems and users are fading providing pure communication. Another interesting aspect of the project is that many users are allowed to use the same machine.

Group 2 - Eye Tracking

Upplagd av Anonym

Developed at De Montfort University, UK in collaboration with University of Tampere, Finland

One of the projects which we found interesting was an eye tracking system. It allows a user to control an application by reading the movement of his or her eyes, and analyzing where focus lies. This type of interaction can be both positive and negative. It can both accelerate and make more efficient use of computer. The system also gives an opportunity to control computer applications for functionally disabled (for example stroke patients) who can’t use modern technology. The negative side of the eye tracking system can be errors which might occur from for example human reflexes (someone walks into the room and we look at them, what happens on the screen?).


Tibi - Wiimote

Upplagd av Tibi

I found a lot of interesting projects involving Wiimote, the remote control from Nitendo Wii game console on the following site http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/projects/wii/ .
In order to realize such projects you don't need a Wii, what is needed is a Wiimote that costs aroung 400kr, and a sensorbar that costs around 100kr.

We choose the following projects from the portofolio at MIT Tangible Media Group:

1. Jabberstamp - http://www.rafelandia.com/jabberstamp/

With Jabberstamp, children can create and listen to sounds, and integrate the sound with their drawing. The product allows them to record and play the sound in very simple way, by clicking a pin device with a microphone the sound is recorded and associated with that point, and by pressing with a device resembling a trumpet on the same point the sound is played back.


2. Robo Topobo - http://tangible.media.mit.edu/projects/RoboTopobo/index.php

Robo Topobo is a "physical game" for children where a robot is controlled by a game controller. By moving some parts of the robot following a certain pattern, those movements can be recorded, and later on played back. With this kind of behaviour is very easy to make the robot to move, without any programming skills.


3. Audiopad - http://tangible.media.mit.edu/projects/audiopad/

Audiopad is an instrument that transforms movements and positioning into music. A better way to create music is to use a mixer program. By using physical objects that represents different instruments makes much easier to experiment different ways to create music by trying different combinations of sounds and instruments.


4. I/O Brush http://tangible.media.mit.edu/projects/iobrush/

This project was already presented by our colleagues from Group 4.



Group 3 - Last years projects

Upplagd av Alex

We also chose the drum-thingy (Bodymix) and the usb-flute (UFC2400)


Bascially we chose those two projects because we thought they were interesting and had an interesting approach to the connection between physical attributes of an action and its digital/technological counterpart.

This is a really funny way to excersice and take out your anger on somebody without hurting him/her. It's an annovative way to relieve your stress.

Link to pdf: http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1358672&type=pdf&coll=ACM&dl=ACM&CFID=19344644&CFTOKEN=79574649

Light Tracer
Karl D.D. Willis

The main idea for Karl Willis was to include the participant in the creative process in art, but I still think his idea could totally have a place in this blog. The installation is quite basic, with a camera (3CCD or similar for low light conditions), a projector and a rear-projection screen. Then, take your cell-phone or your lighter and be creative !

Light Tracer from Karl D.D. Willis on Vimeo.

CHI '07 > Interactivity > I/O brush: beyond static collages

Link to the project (pdf): Click here

This project is interesting because it creates a novel but at the same time very intuitive and simple way to express yourself artistically.

Tangible3D (group 4)

Upplagd av Filip Biel

Tangible3D is a type of remote communication interface, designed to enhance the user's experience through tactile sensation - it's a haptic video phone. Not only is it possible to feel the remote persons hand, this person can even move your hand.

Soap: a Pointing Device that Works in Mid-Air
Patrick Baudisch, Mike Sinclair, and Andrew Wilson

I found this interesting idea in the CHI2007.
The idea is to take out the optical sensor from your wireless and optical mouse and to directly put it in a lovely and silky hull. Then, instead of using your desk as a reference for the optical sensor of your mouse, the new reference is the hull, and you just need to move it around the sensor to give it the direction, the position and so on. You can now use it to play sitting in your sofa or walking when you make a presentation...

link to the website of the project : here.