
Group 2 - Eye Tracking

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Developed at De Montfort University, UK in collaboration with University of Tampere, Finland

One of the projects which we found interesting was an eye tracking system. It allows a user to control an application by reading the movement of his or her eyes, and analyzing where focus lies. This type of interaction can be both positive and negative. It can both accelerate and make more efficient use of computer. The system also gives an opportunity to control computer applications for functionally disabled (for example stroke patients) who can’t use modern technology. The negative side of the eye tracking system can be errors which might occur from for example human reflexes (someone walks into the room and we look at them, what happens on the screen?).

1 kommentarer:

Tibi sa...

There is actually a company in Sweden called Tobii that does research on this area. Look at http://www.tobii.com/
