
Highlights from Tisch ITP

Upplagd av Linus Ericsson

Tisch School of the Art (Broadway, NYC) has a Interactive Telecom Program, ITP, where we found the following highlights among many:

Jabber Jockeys

Jabber Jockeys interactive underwear. The underwear can stimulate the genitals of the wearer either by cellphone, internet or the signs of sexual arosement in another pair of underwear.

(Image courtesy of Jabberjockeys.com)

Anti Paparazzi Fashion Clutch

If you have the problem with paparazzi photographers following you everywhere (there's even facebook paparazzi, right?).

"The anti-paparazzi clutch is a response to the rise of paparazzi. Its unique patent pending technology allows you to protect your identity with a device small enough to fit inside your clutch. Its capable of blocking simultaneous flash photographs from any type of camera: point-and-shoot to professional SLRs."

Essentially the product is a slave flash that essentially just detects an incoming flash (from the Paparazzi's camera) and flashes itself in the same moment, with arty but not so well selling pictures like the one here above.

(Image courtesy of Anti Paparazzi Fashion)

Urban Alpinist

Equiped with cellphones different themes compete in reaching the highest close situated spots in a city in one hour, which are summed up in the end. The rules are simple, and encourage you to explore the urban space, and maybe get some exercise at the same time!

(Picture courtesy of Urban Alpinist)

Inside Audio

1% of the Americans are behind bars (which must be some kind of record for democratic countries). To be imprisonated is highly isolating, and the only interface to the rest of the world is (expensive) phone calls. Inside Audio is an audio blogging system, where the prisoners can audioblog so the rest of the world could follow their daily life.

(Image courtesy of Insider Audio)

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