

Upplagd av Unknown

I'm here to comment a little bit on this project: Beyond, that is basically a pen for drawing in 3D. You can use this pen on top of a table-screen to draw, and when you push the pen and collapse it, the drawing takes depth, so it feels like if you were traversing the screen to draw beyond it. How? The pen is collapsible and it has a camera inside, so it can "sense" how retracted the pen is. The closer to the screen the camera is, the deeper you will draw.

I think this is a very nice concept for 3D direct manipulation because:

  • The user can use a pen as if he was drawing "normally" in 2D, there's less mapping between commands and actions
  • He has live feedback on the model he's drawing
  • It has a very straight affordance for it's use: you press deeper, you draw deeper.
  • The bi-manual interaction is also pretty straight forward: the non-dominant hand is the tool itself, as gestures can be used to apply restrictions on the drawings.
I wonder if before deciding on using gestures for restricting the trace of the pen they also considered using other physical tools such as rulers or compasses and why did they take this approach. Personally I think that having a physical compass that could draw a circle (that then it could become a cylinder or a sphere) could lead to more accurate drawings, but on the other hand it would take more time to do it. 

Check the project's page and the following video!

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